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DECEMBER 9, 2018



"The Real South Africa"

"South Africa: Situation Critical",

with Dr. Harry Booyens

About Dr. Harry Booyens

Harry Booyens is an internationally recognized, multiple award winning PhD Defense & Aerospace physicist. Originally from South Africa, with a 360-year bloodline in that country, he lives with his family on the forested slopes outside Vancouver, Canada. His life as a scientist exposed him to many of the realities of the Cold War and the period immediately following the Fall of the Berlin Wall. It included interaction with the United States and British defense establishment. He applies his lifetime of research and interpretive skills to History and Genealogy, and writes with factual accuracy and engaging style on these subjects. Hard evidence is a trademark of his work and has won him a number of awards. He focuses on  making Americans aware of what is happening in South Africa, the historic parallels between the two countries, and the warning that South Africa holds for Western Civilization in general and the United States of America in particular.

His Book (details below): AmaBhulu - The Birth and Death of the Second America

His Blog (details below):

His Website:

Why do I focus on the United States?: ( perhaps Americans should read that)

The Great Obama Reversal : LINK (my view over the Obama years.. I suspect you will enjoy it)

  “Dying for the Land”:

  “Who stole the Land?”:

Radio/TV/Internet media:

With Dan Happel on 28 December 2017

Message to (then) President Elect Trump

With Dan Happel on 29 June 2017

With Dan Happel on 31 March 2016

With Northwest Liberty News on 2 March 2016

Interview on CCN with Karin Smith and Mel Ve

AmaBhulu - The Birth and Death of the Second America

The West has finally realized that “bringing Democracy” to the Middle East and Southwest Asia is not necessarily in the best interests of Western Civilization. Radical Islam is hijacking its plans and making a mockery of Democracy itself.

In South Africa, an earlier experiment in Bestowed Democracyis failing under a burden of abuse. Much taken with its own role in undoing apartheid a full generation earlier, the West prefers to look away. It appears to treat the plight of Western people in that country as a form of required penance. In the process, it indulges what is in effect a corrupt One-Party State Kleptocracy run along the Party Congress lines of its original mentor, the defunct Soviet Union.

AmaBhulu is a view of South Africa through eyes different from those employed in fifty years of media reporting, social science, and politics. The author walks the reader from the 1652 landing of the Dutch to the present by following his own family bloodlines as example through the documented history of the country, supported by copious evidence. As settlers, soldiers, slaves, and indigenes, they farm, they fight, they triumph, and they lose. They are mercilessly impaled and massacred by savage African tyrants. They are hanged and fusilladed by an imperial overlord, and herded into concentration camps. Yet, they persevere to create a key Western Christian country; the envy of all Africa and a Cold War bulwark of the West. Eventually it falls to the author to describe the loss of his country through forces beyond his control.

In 1797 the British Royal Navy feared South Africa would become a “Second America” for Britain, while, in the 20th century, the country was to Africa what the United States was to the world. AmaBhulu describes the developing crisis in the Second America that will inevitably entangle the First America. It is a study in the death of Civilization by its own collective hand; a severe warning for the West.

AmaBhulu should give pause to every thinking Westerner

On Amazon: 

The Book Outline:


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AmaBhulu the Blog

AmaBhulu – The Birth and Death of the Second America was first published in November 2013 as an e-book, and is now also available in a 630 page B&W printed softcover edition. This work is a comprehensive study of the complete history of South Africa, but with the unique differentiation that it tracks a few real bloodlines through that entire history. AmaBhulu describes how real individuals of European and North American descent experienced that epic history on the ground. The reader is placed among these real people. The author is the first to point out that his family is in this respect “dreadfully typical” and completely representative. AmaBhulu is therefore not a family history, but a History of a Nation by way of a few example bloodlines who happened to have been at the key formative events in that history.

These bloodlines systematically converge and by the 1950s they lead to the author and his wife, proving the author’s natural DNA-based authority in writing on the subject. AmaBhulu thereby also differs from the library of books by British newspapermen talking either about or to Afrikaners who are then treated as “subjects”. In AmaBhulu the world may hear an ordinary Afrikaner—not a reporter beholden to his editor, politician beholden to his party, or government-paid political history professor beholden to his pay cheque—talking about his own people based on actual experience, backed by solid evidence. The author is beholden to no one and no thing; only to his conscience, to his ethics, and to his respect for evidence.

AmaBhulu provides more than 1280 notes in evidence and a massive 270 bibliographic entries in support of any points it makes. The evidence is often from 17th-19th century texts, communications, or diaries. In more recent cases, the evidence is provided from British Hansardrecords and recently cleared US State Department documents. The author even provides recent documented supporting evidence from the enemy he was opposing.

Join the author in the epic and painful story of the Afrikaner nation as it evolves at the southern tip of Africa to build the country that became to Africa what America was to the world in the 20th century. In one sense, it is the story of what would have happened to the United States if it had not gained independence in the 18th century.

In 1797 the British Royal Navy was concerned that South Africa would become a “Second America” and take India from them. AmaBhulu holds stern warning for the First America if it wishes to avoid the present sad fate of the Second America.


South Africa: Situation Critical

Discussed on today's show:

  1. In the 48 hours between Tuesday and Thursday of this past week, there were no fewer than five attacks on white farmers and their families in South Africa. At the same time, the leader of the third largest party in parliament, the ex-leader of the ANC Youth League/“Hitler Jugend” – Julius Malema, sings “Kill the Boer; kill the Farmer” and works up his party faithful against white people.


  1. Tuesday this week the ruling Soviet-trained ANC government-controlled National Assembly approved a final report by a Select Committee proposing the Expropriation of property Without Compensation (EWC : outright Theft via Democracy). That Committee was chaired by Jeremy Cronin, the leading and most visible Communist in the country, and its hearings were a complete farce. It is important to note that the change to the constitution refers to PROPERTY and not to just LAND


  • To implement this EWC, the original constitution agreed by Nelson Mandela would have to be changed.
  • In particular, Section 25 of that Constitution dealing with property rights would need to be changed, as it protects property rights of individuals as is the case in the USA.
  • That Constitution and that section in particular formed the basis of the end of White rule in South Africa. It was a key element of the 1994 deal.
  • April 2019 will be exactly 25 years after the election that brought Mandela to power.
  • About a year ago the ANC announced that it was ready to implement THE SECOND PHASE Of its REVOLUTION. This  here now is it.


  1. The reason the ANC gives for implementing EWC, is that
  • white people are supposedly not selling their farms fast enough to the government; and that
  • white farmers supposedly own a disproportionate fraction of the land.  80-90% is often quoted; also by BBC and CNN


  • the government is also not giving the farms that HAVE been acquired to aspirant Black farmers.
  • Last Friday, a rare Black commercial farmer sued the government for NOT transferring title to him for a farm he acquired via the EXISTING “willing buyer-willing seller” scheme 16 years ago.
  • I have it on the authority of a senior Agricultural Union Manager that the government has not transferred title to any Black farmers on expropriated land since 2009.


  1. The government promotes, or at the very least condones and supports, the concept that
  • white people are supposed “Invaders” and that they supposedly “Stole” the land;
  • they “Should give it back” to its “rightful owners” who are in their view “Black South Africans”; and that
  • “LAND” is the overwhelmingly big issue of the Nation


In reality,

  • The truth about Land Ownership:
    • White farmers own exactly 21.8% of the land in South Africa, calculated using THE GOVERNMENT’s OWN REPORT and the CIA’s stated surface area of South Africa .
    • The vast majority of the white owned land is in the low yield semi-desert west of the country (image attached)- much like Southern Nevada or Southern Arizona
    • The Government owns all the well-watered old Black Homelands except Kwa-Zulu, which was put in trust for the Zulu people by the old White Gvt. in 1994 to get them into the election.
    • Whites may not own farms in those Apartheid Era Black Homelands
    • One cannot raise a mortgage from a Bank against land owned by the government; keeping title from Black people therefore condemns them to failure in developing that land.
  • The truth about Arable Land:
    • It is the white farmers who have developed the dry land farming country in the east since at least 1852 and turned it into the greatest cornfields of Africa.
    • The Black peoples, in those areas where they did control land, never developed it. They just practiced subsistence farming.
    • In evidence: there is not a single grain silo in any of the old Black Homelands where black farmers did not hold title. That pretty much says it all.
  • The truth about expropriation:
    • The estates that WERE transferred mostly decayed to nothing and lie useless and unproductive (e.g. the Lipton Tea case, etc);
    • The ANC itself confessed 6 years ago that nine tenths of formerly white farms given to black communities had gone dormant; moreover
    • Repeated surveys show that when Black communities are given the option of financial reward or the land as part of existing expropriation deals, they prefer the money.
  •  The truthful reasons behind EWC:
    • The expropriation case judges themselves complain that Black lawyers are getting rich off the state by hanging up expropriation cases.
    • EWC will get the Black Government Racist Black votes and will save them having to pay for the land they want to take from Whites;
    • It has nothing to do with giving Black people land; it has everything to do with visibly “sticking it to” White people.
    • The farm attacks are used to scare the farmers off their land and to reduce the price they will charge for their farms;
    • The threat of EWC destroys land value (who wants to buy what can be simply taken by a government) and therefore crashes the financial estates of the farmers.
    • As the treasurer of the Limpopo Black Farmers Union stated several years ago already, the government is "concerned to put people on the land instead of putting farmers in agriculture".


Despite these points, the international formal media fawns on the SA government, perpetuates the lie about the land and the history, and strengthens the hand of the farm attackers, who, as a result, feel they have the tacit support of the government and the nodding consent of the world in killing white farmers.


As to the Deeper Plan:

  • On 16 December 1971, the leader of the ANC (Oliver Tambo) stated, “The White enemy in South Africa can and must be defeated” (Sechaba, Vol.6, No.2 ( Feb. 1972). They meant it. Why would BBC and CNN be denying it now? These people, who called me as an 18 year old school kid an “enemy” because of my skin color, are now the government.
  • They targeted farmers before: Page 19 of the 1986 CIA Special National Intelligence Estimate states: “Most ANC bombings since late last year have been directed against civilian rather than government targets. A recent ANC statement specifically noted that white farmers and urban white males  were considered by the ANC as part of the government’s “Security forces” and were valid targets for ANC operations”. My suggestion to any American reader is READ THAT HEAVILY REDACTED DOCUMENT.


Why exactly is anyone surprised at what is now happening?


Nevertheless, the simple truth IS getting out, and it is starting to worry CNN. See Minute 1.39 in THIS interview of CNN with president Ramaphosa where David McKenzie mentions it. Ramaphosa talks about a “tiny minority view”. He is correct: that tiny minority is the 10% that all white people together make up of the population. And those are the people whose property he aims to take. Remember, this is the man who negotiated the old government out of power. I put it to you:


  • Ramaphosa is a very competent and very dangerous man.

  • He would run rings around most American politicians.

  • As leader of a Party listed as a Terrorist Organization by Pres. Ronald Reagan,  he commands an economy of $767 Billion USD per annum with revenues of $92 Billion per annum

  • His biggest trading partner is China

  • South Africa is is the world's largest producer of chrome, manganese, platinum, and vanadium and  the second largest producer of palladium and zirconium.


    Every American's automobile has some South Africa inside of it.


President Trump has every reason to be concerned about South Africa. It is time for him to fire up the key Western Countries to put a stop to this outrage.


It is also time that the Canadian Government developed a conscience on the subject. For a country that prides itself on its occupation of moral high ground, it is disgracefully quiet… It backed the ANC to the hilt. Now what?...... eh?


YouTube Clips played today:

1. South African Parliament votes EWC : up to Minute 2:00

2. Julius Melama sings Kill/ss the Boer: to the end

3. Black First Land First: up to PRECISELY 6:56

4. Ramaphosa denies farm attacks:   up to 0:28

5. Mariandra Heunis, victim:

6. No Justice for farm attacks:  Up to 4:31

7. Zimbabwe farmer returns: up to at least 1:00 oruntil we’re bored.

8. CNN-Ramaphosa interview    From minute 1:39 exactly up to 2:49.[ cannot preset time]

9. China in South Africa (R370B): up to 0:56