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APRIL 12, 2015



How Sustainable Development IS Affecting Your Life     

Show appearances: DEC 16, 2012  SEP 8, 2013   DEC 22, 2013  AUG 3, 2014  APR 12, 2015
Our guest: Debbie Bacigalupi   


About Debbie

Debbie Bacigalupi was born in Redding, CA and is a 6th generation Californian. Her family is 5th generation cattle ranchers and farmers in Siskiyou County. It's because of the attack on rural America (including her family) that she decided to jump into the 2012 Congressional race. A former US House of Representatives 2012 Republican Candidate for California’s District 14, she lost to incumbent, career politician in an 80% registered Democratic Bay Area district. Debbie was a Corporate Event Planner for Google and YouTube. Currently a biotech consultant and speaker. As a speaker for private property rights and now a key player on an Anti-Agenda 21 task force group, Debbie is known for a lively presentation and has been a keynote and expert panelists throughout the United States. Topics include Agenda 21, private property, water rights, the attack on rural America, the threat to farmers, ranchers, dams and water supply, overregulation, government corruption, the attack on the middle class, freedom, and liberty. Debbie graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BS in Business Management, has her Masters in Business Managemet, is a Certified Sommelier, and a Certified Event Planner. She currently lives in San Carlos, CA where she is fighting the One Bay Area Plan, Grand Blvd Initiative, Regionalism, Transit Villages and more.

Debbie's business:
We never know where we'll go with Debbie so links will be added throughout the show.  Continue to refresh your screen and check this section of the page ;-)

Link to the Sept 22, 2013 show we did on the Big Sheep Kill in Idaho

The idea behind ESG investing is to forward Agenda 21 Sustainable Development quickly over the next several months in prep for the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference in Paris 2015.   Here is the wiki for COP21


(UNFCCC secretary videos on Climate Change:


TedTalk on ESG by one of the largest US Global Investment Firms:


They must convince Investment Firms to DIVEST and DECARBONIZE (i.e. Pension Fund Portfolios) from Climate Change behavior and then continue that practice (divestment) via public exposure.  For example, to expose Pension Fund portfolios’ carbon footprint of investments of Fossil Fuels (AKA FOSSIL-FUEL FREE PORTFOLIOS) (petro, oil) and Methane Emitters (aka livestock) and then demand, thru pressure, companies reduce their use of “unsustainable” practices that are harming the earth by reducing their carbon footprint.


BUT pushing for a GLOBAL PRICE on carbon will hurt all of us.  Obama, UNFCCC, ARB, EPA are all pushing for a single global price on carbon.  CARBON IS LIFE.  Thus, it will be a global tax on living, breathing, existing.

Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, stated publicly in Europe on February 3, 2015:

“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution."

United Nations, in 2006, launched ESG when it announced its 6 Principles for Responsible Investing (  “UNEP and partner investment companies launch a landmark report: “Show Me The Money”.

The 6 Principles for Responsible Investing (UN PRI) call on Investors FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY to their beneficiaries, however (my point) is isn’t revealing that Sustainable Development will require a “PROFOUND REORIENTATION OF ALL HUMAN SOCIETY, UNLIKE ANYTHING THE WORLD HAS EVER EXPERIENCED” of concern to expose?


Major US Unions and Pension Fund investors sign MOU with UN PRI.  See UNPRI.ORG signatories:


The PRI counts many of the world’s largest investment institutions among its 1,260 signatories, who collectively manage assets of more than US$ 45 trillion.


UNEP FI report (Show Me the Money) links ESG to Agenda 21 (Introduction Page 4 of report):

“The third reason is to seek [reasons for acting is] to channel investment flows in a manner that is more consistent with the goals of sustainable development than is generally the case. That is, to act on the understanding that if capital does not align with goals such as those expressed in Agenda 21 or the Millennium Development Goals, then such aims are likely to remain unrealised ideals. Major Dutch pension funds and a number

of European sustainable development funds exemplify this approach


UNEP FI report (Show Me the Money) links ESG and HUGE MONEY:

"Show Me the Money" is published just over two months after United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan launched the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment. More than 70 institutional investors from 16 countries and representing more than $4.5 trillion have now signed the UNPRI.

"With the launch of both UNPRI and "Show Me the Money" we can see that some of the largest and most concentrated pools of capital are sending clear signals to the whole investment chain indicating that ESG issues are material and must be integrated into investment analysis, decision-making and action," explained Paul Clements-Hunt, Head, UNEP Finance Initiative. 


"Show Me the Money" is a 47-page summary report synthesizing more than 1,000 pages of research from the mainstream financial analyst community. The report draws on work by a group of leading financial institutions and covers the impact of qualitative and new risk issues on company value. Industries covered include the auto-industry, aerospace and defense, the media, and the food and beverage industries.


UN PRI in Person conference (9/22-24/14 in Montreal) urges investors to sign onto the MONTREAL PLEDGE in prep for the 2015 Paris Conference.  From UNFCCC Executive Secretary at the Montreal Conference pleading Investors to help her push the UN’s goals leading up to Paris. 


Must watch video:


From PRI:  “By signing onto the Montreal Carbon Pledge, investors commit to measure and publicly disclose the carbon footprint of their investment portfolios on an annual basis. Overseen by the PRI, the Montreal Carbon Pledge aims to attract US $3 trillion of portfolio commitment in time for the United Nations Climate Change Conference in December 2015. It also allows investors to formalize their commitment to the goals of a recently introduced Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition, co-founded by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI).”


COLLEGES are hopping on the fossil-fuel free bandwagon; see “RESPONDING TO THE CALL FOR FOSSIL-FUEL FREE PORTFOLIOS”

Prompt and decisive action to stop climate change is nothing less than the Great Work of our time.

—David W. Orr, Sears Professor, Oberlin College

John Kerry’s Second Nature going after College Campuses:

Founder John Kerry

Second Nature's mission is to create a sustainable society by transforming higher education (aka EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY)

Second Nature links to Sustainable Investing

Second Nature links to higher education institutions

Publications, Webinars, Videos from Second Nature on Sustainable Investing and/or ESG:

Second Nature’s YouTube page:

My Agenda 21 presentation covers all of the above.  No one else is talking about it.  Although, my friend, Patrick Wood (author of latest book TECHNOCRACY RISING ) is beginning to understand how dangerous Christiana Figueres is. 

Here's what Patrick just wrote:

The Endgame of Technocracy

When I was a young financial analyst in 1978, I met Antony Sutton at a gold conference in New Orleans. It took us about 30 minutes of discussion to realize that the Trilateral Commission was in process of hijacking the entire Administration of newly elected president, James Earl Carter.

Founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Commission openly and repeatedly stated that it wanted to create a "New International Economic Order."

Neither Sutton nor I picked up on the thought that the big hijack was not really a political coup, but rather an economic one. It's just that they needed the help of the Executive Branch of our government to pull it off.

As a result, they have maintained a hammerlock hold on the entire trade and economic policy machine that has driven the world into a seemingly broken international system of finance and economic development. Broken is an understatement: Perhaps "spiraling out of control" is a better description.

But, there is another side to the story that is much darker, presenting a clear and present danger to our Republic. That is, Technocracy.

It is plainly evident today, with 40 years of historical examination behind it, that the "New International Economic Order" was really "new" and envisioned historic Technocracy as replacing Capitalism altogether. Technocracy was based on energy rather than money and its system of supply and demand that regulates pricing.

Some distinctives of Technocracy include:

• Elimination of private property and wealth accumulation
• Replacing traditional education with workforce training
• Micromanaging all energy distribution and consumption
• Driving people to live in a limited number of cities and off of rural land
• Enforcing a balance between nature's resources and man's consumption of them.

Are you thinking that this list is vaguely familiar? You should because it represents the modern manifestation of programs like Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Smart Grid, Cap And Trade, Climate Change, Common Core, massive surveillance operations and a whole lot more. All of this has been brought to us by the machinations of the Trilateral Commission and its members since 1973, and it is all part of its master plan to completely replace capitalism with Technocracy. This is their "New International Economic Order"!

What does Smart Grid have to do with Common Core? They are both elements of Technocracy. What does Sustainable Development have in common with Smart Growth? Technocracy. Climate change and total surveillance? You guessed it.

It is all part of the same economic coup started in 1973 and if left unchallenged, it is going to deliver us straight into a Scientific Dictatorship from which we will not be able to recover.

If I am even remotely correct in my analysis, then we had better figure out who the real enemy of the American Republic is.

Ignorance is not the enemy; Ignorance merely hides the enemy and his agenda, but it can be quickly remedied with sufficient illumination and knowledge.

Politicians are not the enemy, whether liberal or conservative. Technocrats hate politicians because they are incapable of running a technological society, but they use politicians whenever it can advance their agenda.

The government itself is not the enemy, but technocrats control certain parts of the machinery of government in order to implement their Technocracy agenda.

In fact, the enemy is Technocracy. Technocrats are human, embedded, entrenched, single-minded, amoral, highly trained, hardened, with unlimited funding. They are master strategists, master propagandists, fully networked and maintain a constant cover-up of their actions. They have worked their way into the fabric of our society from the highest levels of the Executive Branch down to the lowest levels of local government.

The hard-core technocrats in government have virtually neutered every elected body in our nation, from Congress down to state legislatures. Even when Congress passes legislation that gives direct marching orders to Obama and his Administration, they are simply ignored. When Obama wants his own action without going through Congress, he simply creates Executive Orders, Memorandums or Signing Statements.

To be fair to Obama, he is not a technocrat, but only a puppet thereof. All of the Technocracy puppet-masters are lurking and executing behind the scenes.

Take Trilateral Commission member John Podesta for instance. Podesta is Senior Policy Advisor to Obama for Climate Change. In the 1990s under Clinton, Podesta invented and perfected the policy of ruling by Executive Orders, and now he is coaching Obama. Just before he took this position last year, Podesta had just finished up working with a high-level climate-change planning group at the United Nations that called for global reforms and renewed initiatives.

Even the New York Times acknowledges, "the architect of Mr. Obama's climate change plan is none other than his senior counselor, John D. Podesta." The same NYT article also quoted Speaker of the House John Boehner as saying, "This announcement is yet another sign that the president intends to double-down on his job-crushing policies no matter how devastating the impact for America's heartland and the country as a whole."

All complaining and whining aside, Congress remains completely impotent to stop or even slow either Podesta or his prodégé Obama. This is how Technocracy works: In the name of (false) science, they tell you what to do and you do it.

Please be clear on this – people like John Podesta are not socialists, Marxists, communists or fascists. They are Technocrats who are bent on imposing Technocracy that will ultimately destroy capitalism and install themselves as the unelected and unaccountable leaders of the New International Economic Order.

It's a Scientific Dictatorship.


For those who think this is all too inconceivable, consider what Christiana Figueres stated on February 3, 2015:

“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution…That will not happen overnight and it will not happen at a single conference on climate change. It is a process, because of the depth of the transformation.” [Emphasis added]

Figueres is the Executive Secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, and is the undisputed global driver for implementing climate-change policies and Sustainable Development.

Perhaps you can understand why I sub-titled my newest book, Technocracy Rising, as "The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation." That's what it is. People all over the world are rushing to climb aboard this "green" horse but the product being delivered is pure destruction. They are being played like fiddles in a symphony orchestra. They are collectively being deceived into thinking that Utopia is straight ahead – but instead of Utopia, they are going to get dictatorship.

Indeed, it's time for a national discussion on Technocracy. The technocrats who are bent on transforming America must be identified, challenged and stopped.Maybe that's what you want. Not me. However, understand that we will not uproot Technocracy as long as we think we are fighting communists, socialists, Marxists and Fascists. That's the wrong enemy, and while you might knock them all into oblivion, the technocrats will quietly move toward their goal of transforming the world into a Technocracy.

© 2015 Patrick Wood – All Rights Reserved

RE: Western Governors Association testifies on Capitol Hill in support of the "Advancing Conservation Education Act of 2014" (H.R. 4901) to expedite federal-state land exchanges.

 Today I called Director Joe Rassenfoss from Western Governors Association and introduced myself as an attendee from the recent WGA Conference in Colorado Springs.  

Bottom line…this is a LAND SWAP…"getting rid of the checkerboard effect" as Joe stated. Giving state land to the Feds and the Feds giving states land to create a more contiguous state land and more contiguous fed land.  I asked if this has anything to do with the Great America Outdoors Initiative to link National Parks together.  He said no.  I mentioned my concern of the Feds wanting prime land, mineral rich land, water abundant land…vs giving the Feds a swath of land that is desert, lizard, snake, and tumble weed rich.  Joe said the Feds don't want land that is "useless."  I replied with my concern that once you turn prime land over to the Feds it is out of private ownership forever.  Joe replied the Feds own most of the west already and the Western Governors Association is just trying to make deals to get rid of the checkerboard effect.  He turned to impatient with me and accused me of a "soliloquy" as soon as I expressed this concern.

Here's a link to the "checkerboard" map


He further got agitated when I mentioned a "partnership" I found between the WGA and the United Nations over water from the CHAT map which I can't find that data set box right now.

However, when I went to find the "partnership" between WGA and UN over water I found this interesting site:

Ross Strategic ("Moving Toward Sustainability") has an extraordinary list of "clients" - both the WGA and the UN are listed along with TNC, The Wilderness Society, Ford, Bullitt, North America 2050, and more MASSIVE Agenda 21 supporting globalist foundations, organizations, and companies.


Wildlife Corridors and Crucial Habitat
What if the "green" movement isn't saving the earth, but instead is enslaving humanity? Blue will change the anti-human, anti-freedom, anti-science radical GREEN direction we've been heading. Buy the DVD here.
BLUE BEATS GREEN is more than a film, it's an idea. Ideas have the power to change the way we think, begin movements, and even change the world. One of the most prominent idea of our time today is the Green Movement, which says that the Earth is threatened by the activity, even the existence, of mankind, and that the noble response is to restrict our freedom in order to save the planet. The movie BLUE challenges that idea. BLUE is an independently funded and filmed documentary by director, JD King.  Continue Reading...
EarthFirst Mourning Loss of a Tree - Crying & Screaming


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