Debbie Bacigalupi was born in Redding, CA and is a 6th generation Californian. Her family is 5th generation cattle ranchers and farmers in Siskiyou County. It's because of the attack on rural America and the effect on her family that she decided to jump into the 2012 Congressional race. A former US House of Representatives 2012 Republican Candidate for California’s District 14, she lost to an incumbent, career politician in an 80% registered Democratic Bay Area district. Debbie has worked as a Corporate Event Planner for Google and YouTube. Currently, she is a biotech consultant and speaker. As a speaker for private property rights and now a key player on an Anti-Agenda 21 task force group, Debbie is known for a lively presentation and has been a keynote and expert panelists throughout the United States. Topics include Agenda 21, private property, water rights, the attack on rural America, the threat to farmers, ranchers, dams and water supply, overregulation, government corruption, the attack on the middle class, freedom, and liberty. Debbie graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BS in Business Management, has her Masters in Business Management, is a Certified Sommelier, and a Certified Event Planner. She currently lives in San Carlos, CA where she is fighting the One Bay Area Plan, Grand Blvd Initiative, Regionalism, Transit Villages and much more.

Debbie's business:


Previous show appearances: 

DEC 16, 2012 Why Enviro Regulations Consume CA - David Spady & Debbie Bacigalupi

SEP 8, 2013 Axed, The End Of Green - JD King & Guest Host Debbie Bacigalupi

DEC 22, 2013 Axed, The End Of Green - JD King & Guest Host Debbie Bacigalupi

AUG 3, 2014 Environ 'Mental' Problems - Debbie Bacigalupi

APR 12, 2015  "How Sustainability IS Affecting Your Life" - Debbie Bacigalupi

APR 3, 2016  "Educating the Masses about Agenda 21" - Debbie Bacigalupi

DEC 11, 2022 "Climate Conference Report" Debbie Bacigalupi